Thursday, November 11, 2010



Assignment week... Means we have no formal classes but are trusted  to get on with the work. Last time round it would of amounted to a week off in the pub but this time round - it was all work except for yesterday where we went to Glendalough to take pictures. It was fricking freezing. Normally not a problem as I still have all the Antartica gear but unfortunately all that gear was in Westport! Here's a few of the photos- let  me  know which one you like the best?





Three Towers


Monday, November 8, 2010

Flash Ahaa...

One of last weeks classes was on flash. Hurrah - we get to use our digital cameras for a change. We were sent outside to do some exercises and we had to take turns in front of the camera as well. Mostly this means standing aimlessly in front of the camera with the occasional wit making a funny face. However Dan pulled a few poses and the result wasn't half bad.

Dan - the Man

Coincidentally Griffith College has just set up a monthy photography contest for the students. This month theme is "Portraits" - timely that. So I sent that one in as most of my portraits are more on the pretty side rather than contemporary.

Becca's Bath

Mind you,  I have no problem with "pretty" especially when the model is my niece Rebecca so I  sent this one in as well :)