Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pinhole Photography

Pinhole (v.exp) Clarks I

It's been a few weeks. I've been busy or at least pretending to be busy:) This is something I've being meaning to put up for a while. I'm now a pinholeaphile. Pinhole photography - you read about it - yada yada - you can take a cardboard box with a tiny pinhole in the front, you let in light onto a piece of light sensitive paper and a picture forms, but then you try it and go whoa!
Here are two pics - the picture above is the pinhole camera - my carefully constructed cardboard camera. The second below is my favourite pinhole picture - it was taken in the college. The exposure took 17 and 1/2 minutes.

Staircase - taken with a cardboard box!
  Anyway if anyone was planning to get me any Canon equipment for Christmas - there is no need to change their minds!