Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dublin Docklands by Night- It's very different than it used to be!

The Grand Canal Theatre by Day
A Jedi Graveyard by Night!

The new convention centre & the 02

The Samuel Beckett Bridge ( aka the Harp Bridge )
I love this bridge !!!

Let me know what ones you like best?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Turning Paparazzi !

Hi there,
              One of our lecturers wanted us out and about with our cameras this term, getting shots of well know people. I loitered with intent outside Dublin castle when the economic forum was on,  in the hope of getting a pic of Bill Clinton who was the guest speaker. He stayed very hidden in his van so I had to settle for pics of Bono and Gaybriel Byrne.. Not a bad evenings work.

Earlier in the week I had hung around the Dail and try to recognise some of our nations politicians!
I got this pic of Gerry Adams as he was heading in.

I didn't think paparazzi snapping would be my thing but it's quite sociable - you always end up chatting away the wait with strangers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gliding through the Docklands

Here are some of my photos for a college project on segways. Please note that these were all taken while moving at speed. It's great fun :)