Saturday, December 17, 2011

Attack of the Killer Penguins

Hi all.

Term is just  over and I'm a bit wrecked! Our last hand-in was Graphics and we had to design a DVD cover for a fictitious film using our own images. I used some of my images from Antarctica and turned my penguins evil. Hope you like them.

DVD Cover

DVD Label

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spectacle of Hope & Defiance

These are some of the pictures I got last Sat (3rd Dec) at a protest against austerity by local communities and youth groups in Dublin. It was very colourful as they all wore red.
I was surprised though that it got no press whatsoever as far as I could see. I'd say there had to be over 1000 people there!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hurrah ! - I got three images in Photography Ireland 2012

I found out last week that 3 of my images are printed in this years Photography Ireland Book. The book is produced by the Irish & Northern Irish Photography Federation every year. 
I'm delighted. Now it's getting very near to the end of term so I'll get back to my project work. It's not time to panic yet but it's pretty close :(

Boabs in the Sand
Toil & Trouble